Flat Object Grasping Library (FOG)  0.2.1
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Everything related to FOG robot controllers. More...


class  fog::FingerCompliance
 Implements a controller for active compliance of the hand's fingers. More...
class  fog::ReachFGSAlpha
 A class that implements the controller for reaching the FGS state for the strategy- $\alpha$. It closes the fingers. More...
class  fog::ReachFGSBeta
 A class that implements the controller for reaching the FGS state for the strategy- $\beta$. It closes the fingers and moves the arm. More...
class  fog::ReachPGSBeta
 A class that implements the controller for reaching the PGS state. It reads feedback from the position of the fingeres and commands the task velocity of the arm. More...

Detailed Description

Everything related to FOG robot controllers.