Flat Object Grasping Library (FOG)
fog | The namespace having all the FOG codebase |
FingerCompliance | Implements a controller for active compliance of the hand's fingers |
ReachFGSAlpha | A class that implements the controller for reaching the FGS state for the strategy- . It closes the fingers |
ReachFGSBeta | A class that implements the controller for reaching the FGS state for the strategy- . It closes the fingers and moves the arm |
ReachPGSBeta | A class that implements the controller for reaching the PGS state. It reads feedback from the position of the fingeres and commands the task velocity of the arm |
UpdateBHand | |
DecisionMaker | Decides which of the available grasp strategies can be used for grasping the target object, given the current scene |
EnablingConditions | The enabling conditions for the Decision Making |
EnabledStrategies | The enabled strategies from the Decision Making |
FlatObjectGrasper | The main class of FOG which implements the pipeline for grasping a flat object |
Hand | Represents the robotic hand as it is considered in the FOG framework |
IGSPlanner | Plans Initial Grasping States (IGSs) for each selected grasp strategy |
InitialGraspState | Representing and Initial Grasp State |
Interface | Abstract class which defines the interfaces with FOG |
Models | The FOG Models |
Object | Represents the target object as it is considered in the FOG framework |
ObjectSurfaceCombination | Represents the object-surface combination as it is considered in the FOG framework, i.e. the set of non-convex directions |
HandParams | |
ObjectSurfaceCombinationParams | Parameters related to the FOG object-surface combination |
ControllersParams | |
RobotParams | Parameters related to the robot configuration that is used. If it is real or a simulated hardware |
BetaParams | Parameters related to strategy- |
GammaParams | Parameters related to strategy- |
Params | The FOG parameters |
Surface | Represents the support surface as it is considered in the FOG framework, as rectangle with 4 limits |
RVisualizer | Visualizes in RViz FOG models. In order to see the models, add in your RViz configuration a PointCloud2 panel with the point cloud topic name and a MarkerArray with the rviz_topic that you initialize the class |
ControllerParams | Parameters related to the FOG controllers |