Flat Object Grasping Library (FOG)  0.2.1
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fog::EnablingConditions Class Reference

The enabling conditions for the Decision Making. More...

#include <fog/enabling_conditions.h>

Public Attributes

bool flat = false
 True if the object is flat. More...
bool two_dim = false
 True if the object is two-dimensional. More...
bool directly_graspable = false
 True if the object is directly graspable. More...
bool deformable = false
 True if the object is deformable. More...
bool top_reachable = false
 True if the object is top reachable. More...
bool non_convex = false
 True if the object-surface combination is non-convex. More...
bool close_to_edge = false
 True if the object is placed closed to the edge of the support surface. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const EnablingConditions &)

Detailed Description

The enabling conditions for the Decision Making.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const EnablingConditions e 

Member Data Documentation

bool fog::EnablingConditions::close_to_edge = false

True if the object is placed closed to the edge of the support surface.

bool fog::EnablingConditions::deformable = false

True if the object is deformable.

bool fog::EnablingConditions::directly_graspable = false

True if the object is directly graspable.

bool fog::EnablingConditions::flat = false

True if the object is flat.

bool fog::EnablingConditions::non_convex = false

True if the object-surface combination is non-convex.

bool fog::EnablingConditions::top_reachable = false

True if the object is top reachable.

bool fog::EnablingConditions::two_dim = false

True if the object is two-dimensional.