Flat Object Grasping Library (FOG)  0.2.1
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Getting Started

The FOG library is structured in the modules listed here.

The easiest way to use the library is to create a ROS package which depends on the library and defines the main interface. An example of such a package is provided with the library as fog_ros package.

Defining the Interface

In order to define the interface for the FOG simply create your own interface class which inherits from the fog::Interface class and implements all the pure virtual functions. For example, you have to implement code of how to acquire the object's point cloud. It could be by subscribing to a ROS topic, by reading from a database using PCL etc, its your choice. See the detailed API of the class in order to implement the interface.

Grasping an Object

You main method should create a pointer to your interface and then should create a fog::FlatObjectGrasper object. Calling the main function of this class will start the whole pipeline for grasping the object. Notice, that probably you need pointers to Robot arm, hand or F/T sensor. FOG uses the Robot interfaces as defined in AUTh-ARL Core Stack, but this optional. If you want to use another API for communicating with your robots you can do so.

#include <your_pkg/interface.h>
#include <fog>
// ...
auto interface = std::make_shared<your_pkg::Interface>(arm_robot, hand_robot, sensor, arm_rviz);
fog::FlatObjectGrasper fog(interface);