Flat Object Grasping Library (FOG)  0.2.1
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fog::BetaParams Class Reference

Parameters related to strategy- $\beta$. More...

#include <fog/params.h>

Public Attributes

double h
 The height $h$ for strategy- $\beta$, see Section III-B [1]. More...
double phi
 The angle $\phi$, see Section III-B [1]. More...
double theta
 The angle $\theta$, see Section III-B [1]. More...
double arm_initial_velocity
 The initial velocity of the arm $|\mathbf{v}_G|$, see Section III-B [1]. More...

Detailed Description

Parameters related to strategy- $\beta$.

Member Data Documentation

double fog::BetaParams::arm_initial_velocity

The initial velocity of the arm $|\mathbf{v}_G|$, see Section III-B [1].

double fog::BetaParams::h

The height $h$ for strategy- $\beta$, see Section III-B [1].

double fog::BetaParams::phi

The angle $\phi$, see Section III-B [1].

double fog::BetaParams::theta

The angle $\theta$, see Section III-B [1].