Flat Object Grasping Library (FOG)  0.2.1
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The module including parameters for the FOG framework. More...


class  fog::ObjectSurfaceCombinationParams
 Parameters related to the FOG object-surface combination. More...
class  ControllerParams
 Parameters related to the FOG controllers. More...
class  fog::RobotParams
 Parameters related to the robot configuration that is used. If it is real or a simulated hardware. More...
class  fog::BetaParams
 Parameters related to strategy- $\beta$. More...
class  fog::GammaParams
 Parameters related to strategy- $\gamma$. More...
class  fog::Params
 The FOG parameters. More...

Detailed Description

The module including parameters for the FOG framework.

Most of the parameters are described in [1].