arma::mat | getLineSegment (const arma::vec &p1, const arma::vec &p2, double dlambda) |
| Calculates a discrete line segments between two points in the N-dimensional space. The function assumes that the two given points are of the same dimension. More...
bool | areCoplanar (const std::vector< KDL::Vector > &point, double epsilon=1e-6) |
| Checks if a set of 3D points are cooplannar. More...
bool | areCoplanar (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &point, double epsilon=1e-6) |
| Checks if a set of 3D points are cooplannar. More...
void | sortCircularOrder (const std::vector< KDL::Vector > &input, std::vector< KDL::Vector > *output) |
| Sorts a set of unsorted points in circular ordering. More...
std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > | sortCircularOrder (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &input) |
| Sorts a set of unsorted points in circular ordering. More...
bool | isWithinPolygon (const arma::vec &point, const arma::mat &polygon) |
| Checks if a point lies within a polygon. More...
double | getMinimumDistanceOfPointFromLine (const Eigen::Vector3d &line_point_1, const Eigen::Vector3d &line_point_2, const Eigen::Vector3d &point) |
| Calculates the minimum distance of a 3D point from a line which is defined by two 3D points, see [4]. More...
double | getTranslationalManipulabilityMeasureStrongSense (const arma::mat &jac) |
| Calculates the translational manipulability measure in the strong sense as this is defined in Yoshikawa, Tsuneo. "Translational and rotational
manipulability of robotic manipulators." American Control Conference, 1990. IEEE, 1990. APA. More...
double | getTranslationalManipulabilityMeasureStrongSense (const arma::mat &jac, const arma::mat &choose) |
| Calculates the translational manipulability measure in the strong sense as this is defined in Yoshikawa, Tsuneo. "Translational and rotational
manipulability of robotic manipulators." American Control Conference, 1990. IEEE, 1990. APA. More...
arma::vec | getOrientationError (const arma::vec &q, const arma::vec &qd) |
| Returns the orientation error between two quaternions using Armadillo. More...
KDL::Vector | getOrientationError (const std::vector< double > &quat, const std::vector< double > &quat_d) |
| Calculate the orientation error between two quaternions using STL and KDL. More...
arma::mat | quatToRot (const arma::vec &q) |
| Transforms a quaternion to a rotation matrix. More...
arma::vec | rotToQuat (const arma::mat &R) |
| Transforms a rotation matrix to a quaternion. More...
arma::vec | getQuatConjugate (const arma::vec &q) |
| Calculates the quaternion conjugate. More...
arma::vec | getQuatInverse (const arma::vec &q) |
| Calculates the inverse of a given quaternion. More...
arma::vec | getQuatProduct (const arma::vec &q1, const arma::vec &q2) |
| Calculates the product of two quaternions. More...
arma::vec | getQuatDifference (const arma::vec &q, const arma::vec &qd) |
| Calculates the difference of two quaternions. More...
arma::vec | rotateQuat (const arma::vec &w, const arma::vec &q) |
| Integrates the orientation in quaternion. More...
arma::vec | getQuatLog (const arma::vec &Q, double eps=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) |
| Calculate the log of a quaternion. More...
arma::vec | getQuatExp (const arma::vec &w, double eps=std::numeric_limits< double >::epsilon()) |
| Calculate the exp of a quaternion. More...
bool | rotationHasUnitColumns (const KDL::Rotation &rot, double eps=1e-8) |
| Tests if the columns of the rotation matrix are unit vectors. More...
bool | rotationHasOrthogonalColumns (const KDL::Rotation &rot, double eps=1e-8) |
| Tests if the columns of the rotation matrix are orthogonal. More...
bool | rotationIsRightHanded (const KDL::Rotation &rot, double eps=1e-8) |
| Tests if the columns of the rotation matrix form a right handed system. More...
bool | rotationIsOk (const KDL::Rotation &rot, double eps=1e-8) |
| Tests if a 3x3 matrix R is a legit rotation matrix, i.e. if R belongs to SO(3). More...
arma::mat | rotX (double theta) |
| Provides the basic rotation around the X-axis. More...
arma::mat | rotY (double theta) |
| Provides the basic rotation around the Y-axis. More...
arma::mat | rotZ (double theta) |
| Provides the basic rotation around the Z-axis. More...
arma::mat | getScrewTransformation (const arma::mat &homogen) |
| Returns the screw transformation. More...
arma::mat | getTwistTransformation (const arma::mat &homogen) |
| Calculates the twist transformation as defined in Eq. (4.23) p. 117 [2] using Armadillo. More...
Eigen::Matrix6d | getTwistTransformation (const Eigen::Affine3d &transformation) |
| Calculates the twist transformation as defined in Eq. (4.23) p. 117 [2] using Eigen. More...
arma::mat | get6x6Rotation (const arma::mat &rotation) |
| Returns the 6x6 matrix which the upper left and the down right sumbmatrices are the given 3x3 rotation matrix. More...
void | skewSymmetric (const KDL::Vector &v, KDL::Rotation *skew) |
| Calculates the skew symmetrix given a 3D vector using KDL. More...
void | skewSymmetric (const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 1 > &v, Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > *skew) |
| Calculates the skew symmetrix given a 3D vector using Eigen. More...
void | skewSymmetric (const arma::vec &v, arma::mat *skew) |
| Calculates the skew symmetrix given a 3D vector using Armadillo. More...
| qd_prev_ ({1, 0, 0, 0}) |
| singularity_avoid_ (singularity_avoid) |
| pinv_method_ (pinv_method) |
double | getTranslationalManipulabilityMeasureStrongSense (const mat &jac) |
double | getTranslationalManipulabilityMeasureStrongSense (const mat &jac, const mat &choose) |
The namespace having code related to math calculations and tools.