Flat Object Grasping Library (FOG)  0.2.1
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Core Module

The core module for Model Extraction, Decision Making and IGS planning. More...


class  fog::DecisionMaker
 Decides which of the available grasp strategies can be used for grasping the target object, given the current scene. More...
class  fog::FlatObjectGrasper
 The main class of FOG which implements the pipeline for grasping a flat object. More...
class  fog::IGSPlanner
 Plans Initial Grasping States (IGSs) for each selected grasp strategy. More...
class  fog::InitialGraspState
 Representing and Initial Grasp State. More...
class  fog::Interface
 Abstract class which defines the interfaces with FOG. More...
class  fog::Models
 The FOG Models. More...
class  fog::Object
 Represents the target object as it is considered in the FOG framework. More...
class  fog::ObjectSurfaceCombination
 Represents the object-surface combination as it is considered in the FOG framework, i.e. the set of non-convex directions $\mathcal{N}_f$. More...
class  fog::Surface
 Represents the support surface as it is considered in the FOG framework, as rectangle with 4 limits. More...

Detailed Description

The core module for Model Extraction, Decision Making and IGS planning.

The Core Module include a number of core functionalities like extracting the models of hand, object support surface etc, deciding on which grasp strategy should be used given the current scene, and producing IGSs for different strategies. Finally, defines interfaces with the world outside FOG.