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fog::IGSPlanner Class Reference

Plans Initial Grasping States (IGSs) for each selected grasp strategy. More...

#include <fog/igs_planner.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for fog::IGSPlanner:

Public Member Functions

 IGSPlanner (const Params &p1)
 ~IGSPlanner ()
std::vector< InitialGraspStaterun (const Models &models, const EnabledStrategies &enabled_strategies, const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &feasible_directions)
 Returns the planned multiple IGSs given the models, the enabled strategies and the feasible directions. More...
trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory getJointTrajectorySolution ()
 Returns the joint trajectory for reaching the selected IGS. Assumes that fog::IGSPlanner::planIGS has already be called. More...

Private Member Functions

std::vector< InitialGraspStateproduceIGSsForStrategyAlpha (const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &feasible_directions, const Object &object, const Surface &surface)
 Produces IGS for strategy alpha. More...
std::vector< InitialGraspStateproduceIGSsForStrategyBeta (const ObjectSurfaceCombination &combination, const Vector3 surface_normal, double h, double phi, double theta)
 Produces IGS for strategy beta. More...
std::vector< InitialGraspStateproduceIGSsForStrategyGamma (const Point3 &object_position, const Vector3 &surface_normal, const Vector3 &closest_surface_limit, double epsilon)
 Produces IGS for strategy gamma. More...
void selectIGS (const std::vector< InitialGraspState > &igss, InitialGraspState &result, trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &solution, const std::string &group_name)
 Selects one IGSs given the total produced IGS, based on their weights. Also calculates the joint trajectory for reaching the selected IGS. More...
Eigen::Vector3d calculateDMin (const Eigen::Vector3d &bounding_box, const Eigen::Vector3d &surface_normal, const Eigen::Quaterniond &object_orientation)
 Calculates the direction vector $\mathbf{d}_{min}$ used in Eq. 19 of the manuscript. More...
unsigned int calcIndexOfClosestSurfaceEdgeFromObject (const Point3 &object_position, const Surface &surface)
 Calculates which of the four edges of the support surface is closest to the object. Used by strategy- $\gamma$. More...

Private Attributes

std::string name
trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory solution
 Stores the joint trajectory solution for the selected IGS. More...
Params params

Detailed Description

Plans Initial Grasping States (IGSs) for each selected grasp strategy.

This class assumes that fog::ModelExtractor has extracted the models and that the fog::DecisionMaker has enabled the strategies.

See Also

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

fog::IGSPlanner::IGSPlanner ( const Params p1)
fog::IGSPlanner::~IGSPlanner ( )

Member Function Documentation

unsigned int fog::IGSPlanner::calcIndexOfClosestSurfaceEdgeFromObject ( const Point3 object_position,
const Surface surface 

Calculates which of the four edges of the support surface is closest to the object. Used by strategy- $\gamma$.

object_positionThe position of the object
surfaceThe model of the surface
The index of the one of the four edges as the closest.
Eigen::Vector3d fog::IGSPlanner::calculateDMin ( const Eigen::Vector3d &  bounding_box,
const Eigen::Vector3d &  surface_normal,
const Eigen::Quaterniond &  object_orientation 

Calculates the direction vector $\mathbf{d}_{min}$ used in Eq. 19 of the manuscript.

bounding_boxThe object's bounding box.
surface_normalThe normal of the support surface.
object_orientationThe orientation of the target object.
The vector $\mathbf{d}_{min}$.
trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory fog::IGSPlanner::getJointTrajectorySolution ( )

Returns the joint trajectory for reaching the selected IGS. Assumes that fog::IGSPlanner::planIGS has already be called.

The joint trajectory.
std::vector< InitialGraspState > fog::IGSPlanner::produceIGSsForStrategyAlpha ( const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &  feasible_directions,
const Object object,
const Surface surface 

Produces IGS for strategy alpha.

feasible_directionsThe feasible directions.
objectThe target object.
surfaceThe support surface.
The set of IGSs for strategy alpha

Calculate the weight (manuscript v1.10 eq.18)

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

std::vector< InitialGraspState > fog::IGSPlanner::produceIGSsForStrategyBeta ( const ObjectSurfaceCombination combination,
const Vector3  surface_normal,
double  h,
double  phi,
double  theta 

Produces IGS for strategy beta.

The set of IGSs for strategy beta
std::vector< InitialGraspState > fog::IGSPlanner::produceIGSsForStrategyGamma ( const Point3 object_position,
const Vector3 surface_normal,
const Vector3 closest_surface_limit,
double  epsilon 

Produces IGS for strategy gamma.

object_positionThe position of the object
surface_normalThe normal vector of the surface
surface_limitThe limit vector of the surface
epsilonThe parameter $\epsilon$, see Eq. (30) [1]
The set of IGSs for strategy gamma
std::vector< InitialGraspState > fog::IGSPlanner::run ( const Models models,
const EnabledStrategies enabled_strategies,
const std::vector< Eigen::Vector3d > &  feasible_directions 

Returns the planned multiple IGSs given the models, the enabled strategies and the feasible directions.

modelsThe extracted models from the scene.
enabled_strategiesThe enabled strategies from the Decision Maker.
feasible_directionsThe feasible directions from the Decision Maker.
The IGSs for all the enabled strategies, sorted by their weight.

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

void fog::IGSPlanner::selectIGS ( const std::vector< InitialGraspState > &  igss,
InitialGraspState result,
trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &  solution,
const std::string &  group_name 

Selects one IGSs given the total produced IGS, based on their weights. Also calculates the joint trajectory for reaching the selected IGS.

igssThe total number of IGSs as an input.
resultThe selected IGS as a result.
solutionThe joint trajectory for the selected IGS.
group_nameThe MoveIt group name of the robot.

Member Data Documentation

std::string fog::IGSPlanner::name
Params fog::IGSPlanner::params
trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory fog::IGSPlanner::solution

Stores the joint trajectory solution for the selected IGS.