Flat Object Grasping Library (FOG)  0.2.1
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fog::Params Class Reference

The FOG parameters. More...

#include <fog/params.h>

+ Collaboration diagram for fog::Params:

Public Attributes

HandParams hand
 Parameters related to the hand. More...
BetaParams beta
 Parameters related to strategy- $\beta$. More...
GammaParams gamma
 Parameters related to strategy- $\gamma$. More...
ObjectSurfaceCombinationParams combination
 Parameters related to object-surface combination. More...
ControllersParams controllers
 Parameters related to the FOG controllers. More...
RobotParams robot
 Parameters related to the robot configuration. More...

Detailed Description

The FOG parameters.

Member Data Documentation

BetaParams fog::Params::beta

Parameters related to strategy- $\beta$.

ObjectSurfaceCombinationParams fog::Params::combination

Parameters related to object-surface combination.

ControllersParams fog::Params::controllers

Parameters related to the FOG controllers.

GammaParams fog::Params::gamma

Parameters related to strategy- $\gamma$.

HandParams fog::Params::hand

Parameters related to the hand.

RobotParams fog::Params::robot

Parameters related to the robot configuration.